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My working process...


I use the design thinking process which organizes the development of a product or service from the idea to the implementation of the finished product in six iteration loops, which focus on the customer's needs. An idea is developed in a customer-oriented manner, taking into account all influencing factors from personal perception (appeal), implementation possibility with current technological possibilities (technical feasibility) and economic relevance - both in terms of the potential customer's financial possibilities and the production process. (Wylant, 2008)

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In the first iteration step, an understanding of the problem is generated and a corresponding hypothesis is made.This is followed by a familiarization phase with the existing topic and an examination of the task.



The second step focuses on the potential end customer and his environment. A deeper understanding of the problem is generated through targeted theoretical and practical information gathering in the user's sphere of influence, such as conducting observations in everyday life or at the workplace, but also by interviewing them.


Point of View

In the synthesis process, the information gathered from the first two iteration steps is brought together and structured. The interpretation of the data obtained forms the basis for the transition of the design thinking process into the solution phase.



The Ideate stage represents the beginning of the actual design process. Here, all ideas are first allowed and collected without imposing any restrictions on the design. In a further step, taking into account the findings from the problem phase, a prioritization of the ideas can be made, which already contains the first concrete approaches for the product to be developed.



In the fifth phase, initial solutions that are understandable and tangible to the customer are generated in the form of visual and physical prototypes. As in the previous steps, the production of physical prototypes allows a renewed loop into the information gathering phase and a further prioritization of the collected ideas.



In the final phase of the design thinking process, the prototypes are tested with selected stakeholders for the influencing factors of personal perception (appeal), implementation possibility (technical feasibility), and economic relevance that were originally placed in the focus. Based on the conclusions drawn from the test phase, adjustments can be made in iteration loops of varying degrees.

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